⭐️ Sunlit 3.2 is now available in the App Store. Sunlit is our companion to Micro.blog just for photos. The new version adds a sharing extension, bookmarks, and more.
🗳 If you’re in the United States, Election Day is tomorrow. Please vote. For voting locations in your area, visit vote411.org.
📅 It’s November which means it’s time for the 2nd annual Microblogvember challenge! Post to your microblog each day using the word prompt and you’ll earn a special pin. It’s a fun way to get into the routine of posting to your own site. (It’s okay if you missed the first few days. It’s not too late to start.)
💬 Many people are participating in Microblogvember. Here’s the day 1 post from @joec for prompt “dreary”:
Preparing myself for what could end up being a very dreary week. Hoping for the best; preparing for the worst.
💬 And here’s a post from @agilelisa :
Ain’t nothing dreary about the opportunity to write everyday, and I’m grateful for the prompts. Looking forward to 29 more!
💬 Or try using the prompt in a poem like @purisubzi :
So dreary These Sunday evenings Ah, look, the blue moon
💬 Today’s prompt for day 2 is “concentrate”, and this post from @jamesdempsey mirrors what a lot of people are thinking:
It will be difficult to concentrate for the next few days.
📚 November is also National Novel Writing Month! Posts that mention NaNoWriMo are collected in a special section of Discover. Good luck @Cheri, @Archimage, @vishae, and anyone else trying to write 50,000 words this month.
📚 Did you know that Micro.blog on the web has a few book-related features, to make it easier to blog about books or discover what books other people are reading? Alan Jacobs has an overview of these hidden features and more on his blog:
Note the link to indiebookclub, a simple, open-web work-in-progress alternative to the bloated, chaotic locked-down mess that is GoodReads. But if you choose to start a new micro.blog post, you get a text field pre-populated with the relevant information.
🎃 There were some fun Halloween posts on Micro.blog over the weekend. Just a few: pumpkins by @patrickrhone, @AlanGMarz, and @endonend.
🇺🇸 Have we mentioned you should vote if you’re in the United States? Election Day is tomorrow. Make a plan: decide what time of day you will vote, where your polling location is, and how you are going to get there.